*Please note that if you are having issues with your location being verified, please click here.
Furthermore, login problems could also be due to one of a number of other reasons. Please click on the text below that best reflects the error message being received:
"The Username or Password Entered does not Exist"
Either the username or the password being used is incorrect.
For instructions on how to receive a reminder of your username or to change/reset your password, please click here.
"You are already logged in"
You are already connected to our server.
This can occur if the software was previously exited incorrectly, i.e. your computer shuts down whilst logged into WSOP.com.
"Establishing Connection to the Server"
Connection may be temporarily unavailable.
Please try again in a few minutes.
For more Information on connecting to WSOP click here.
"Your Account has been Temporarily Disabled"
Should none of the above apply and you're still unable to log into your account, please contact our Member Support Team via the Contact Us form, describing the exact error message being received.