For instructions on how to add us to your list of trusted sites, please click on your browser below.
NOTE: To add trusted sites on other browsers, please refer to the browser's "Help" section.
1. Open Safari and individually go to the following websites, then proceed to point 2. for each one:
2. Either drag the URL to the open Top Sites screen, or to the Top Sites icon in the upper-left corner of the current screen.
3. Alternatively, you can also add a page to Top Sites by dragging a link from a web page, an email message, or another document to the Top Sites icon.
1. Open Chrome and click the 3 vertical dots on the far right of the Address bar.
2. Click "Settings".
3. Select "Security and Privacy".
4. Click "Site Settings".
5. Scroll down, click "Additional content settings" followed by "Insecure content".
6. Under "Allowed to show insecure content", click "Add".
7. Enter the web addresses below one by one, followed by "Add":
8. Once the above have all been added, you can exit the page.
1. Open Firefox and individually go to the following websites, then proceed from point 2. for each one:
2. Click the shield icon to the left of the address bar.
3. Click the switch next to "Enhanced Tracking Protection".
4. The website has now automatically been added to the "Exceptions" list. To view any websites that you've already added, click the menu icon in the top right corner (3 horizontal lines), select "Settings", "Privacy & Security", and finally "Manage Exceptions".
5. Click "Close" then "OK".
1. Open Safari and individually go to the following websites, then proceed to point 2. for each one:
2. Either drag the URL to the open Top Sites screen, or to the Top Sites icon in the upper-left corner of the current screen.
3. Alternatively, you can also add a page to Top Sites by dragging a link from a web page, an email message, or another document to the Top Sites icon.